Friday, October 15, 2010

Salty Nuts

It is getting close to 4:30 in the afternoon and I'm getting a little hungry because I ate a late breakfast and skipped lunch, so a perused my cabinet for goodies. I found a quarter of a can of salted almonds in the back. Ugh. I remembered why I had put them in the back... I dislike salty nuts. They are just too damn salty for me.

I really wanted those almonds, but I wasn't about to suffer through the inevitable dry mouth I would get if I ate the salty nuts so I did the only thing I could think of - I washed them. Yes, I washed my salty nuts and now they aren't salty and taste the way an unsalted almond should taste. Lesson of the day: wash your salty nuts.

This slightly inappropriate post has been brought to you by Friday and the letter N, for nuts.

Side note: I also dislike the 'skin' on nuts. Naked nuts only. Thanks.